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Clean Tech Hub

Clean Tech Hub is a pioneering hybrid hub for the research, development, demonstration and incubation of clean energy ideas, technologies, and resources for clean energy organizations and environment and climate friendly initiatives across Africa. <p></p> The hub provides strategic and invaluable support to idea and early stage energy entrepreneurs to help prove the viability of their businesses and access funding. With this, we aim to build a pipeline of Nigeria off-grid energy businesses which provide solutions to Africa’s biggest challenges. We provide funding and access to funding. <p></p> <mark>Clean Tech Hub’s Incubation Program <br> Clean Tech Hub’s Incubation program focuses on idea and early stage energy entrepreneurs and provides them with the support needed to prove the viability of their businesses. The Hub recently launched the 3rd cohort of her early-stage incubation program for clean energy enterprises. Interested applicants can apply.</mark> <p></p> Climate Fintech Program <br> Clean Tech Hub in partnership with New Energy Nexus launched a climate fintech program with the aim to catalyze climate finance for green development and promote the application of financial technology for decarbonization in Africa. In the first series of events, the focus will be on creating awareness, securing relevant partnerships, and fostering collaborations that will support and enable Nigeria’s nascent climate fintech sector to thrive. <p></p> Clean Tech Hub Startup Accelerator Program <br> Clean Tech Hub Startups Accelerator Program aims to build a pipeline of innovative clean energy and climate-smart enterprises in Nigeria and across Sub-Saharan Africa. This program is designed to nurture and support viable, scalable and investment-ready businesses by providing access to resources, business training, mentoring, funding and access to funding opportunities. <p></p> Energy Access Bootcamps <br> Clean Tech Hub organises regular “Energy Access Bootcamps” and has so far impacted over 500 students across Nigerian universities. The purpose of the bootcamps for Nigerian students in their penultimate year across tertiary Institutions in Nigeria, is to teach them about renewable energy and climate change; how to build a career and start a business in the sector.

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The CANs Park

We're West Africa's first eco-friendly tech hub. We provide amazing work spaces, support government agencies, individuals and organisations working towards social development. We are using new technology to accelerate the impact of local & international initiatives in Africa. <mark>We are committed to building an Africa where young people are empowered to become leaders who through innovation will create a lasting impact on the African continent. </mark> <p></p> Our deep understanding of the African space and modern technology as well as our network of impact investors, consultants and government agencies help us deliver the best technical support. <p></p> Our ethos of environmental sustainability and innovation drives our services. The Cans is an eco-friendly approach to designing spaces where people do creative work. We are leading by example to show that we can build great companies while sustaining the environment. Beyond infrastructure, our processes are done to minimize carbon prints on the world.

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Civic Innovation Lab

At Civic Innovation Lab, we are at the front line of supporting indigenous start-ups through technical and business solutions. We empower entrepreneurs to do more good by creating successful enterprises. <p></p>Our system puts in place a number of trainings and programs where innovators and entrepreneurs within/ outside of our community get access to our mentorship and engagements programs. <p></p> <mark>Our focus this year is providing women entrepreneurs with tools, finance and information to ACCESS MARKETS. </mark> <p></p> We Empower Enterprenuers And Inspire Innovators <p></p> We empower entrepreneurs to do more good by creating successful enterprises. Our system puts in place a number of trainings and programs where innovators and entrepreneurs within/ outside of our community get access to our mentorship and engagements programs. <p></p> Our role as an impact driven hub is to act as an intermediary, initiating conversation between the government and the start-up/tech ecosystem. The aim of this interaction is to enable government crowd source indigenous solutions among Nigerian start-ups. There exists a huge gulf between the start-up space and the affairs of government in Nigeria. We know that government support for start-ups and tech innovations is the fastest, easiest and most economical route to solving the challenges peculiar to our nation. <p></p> Pitch Sessions <br> In our bid to create the perfect ambience of entrepreneurial support to our local community of social entrepreneurs, the creative in our space decided to design a bridge that connects investors to start-ups <p></p> Government Support <br> <mark>One of our primary roles is the establishment of a Government-start-up relationship. This relationship focuses on getting the Government to look at indigenous SMEs for execution of operations</mark> <p></p>Building Communities <br> Our foremost goal is community and this is what we have at Civic Innovation Lab. We have a rich tightly bonded community of diversified personalities. All coming from different places, races and colors having different strengths and skills, in this diversity lies our strength. <p></p> Dev Talks <br> <mark>DevTalks is a that provides a platform to dialogue and engage civil society on issues that affect their well-being. The aim is to articulate social problems and spark innovative ideas to tackle them. The program brings all relevant stakeholders and industry influencers to the table to discuss topics that affects civil society.</mark>

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Stonebricks Hub

The Stonebricks Hub was primarily conceived by two young successful entrepreneurs with a combined work experience of over 30 years in various sectors ranging from infrastructure advisory to engineering & construction. Our network of professionals and experts in different fields are an integral part of the support system StoneBricks offers startups and early-stage entrepreneurs. <p></p> <mark>We provide a complete ecosystem that turn ideas to business solutions and eventually to markets. We work with tech-founders, innovators, creative minds, influencers and incubates within the StoneBricks academy to launch initiatives that contribute to the global economic growth.</mark>

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Aiivon Innovation hub

Aiivon innovation hub is a social, digital and creative community strategically located at Abuja’s commercial nerve center. The hub gives valid expression to our desire to support tech development in West Africa as it is home to over 60 start-ups to whom <mark>we provide fully serviced offices and co-working spaces, capacity building programs, incubation, business development support, mentorship, access to funds and market penetration for increased traction and revenue among other things.</mark> <p></p> We are a community of motivated individuals, focused on developing solutions to local challenges by utilizing innovation from our inventive workspaces and inspiring creativity, advancing effectiveness and encouraging coordinated efforts among members. <p></p> Through our partnership with The British Council, NITDA and other reputable organizations, we are directly influencing the lives of many Nigerians who are aspiring to become successful entrepreneurs especially in the creative and information technology industries.