Central Africa /
DR Congo / Butembo

Ruwenzori Official University
The field of computer engineering interests you, it is not surprising, computers are ubiquitous today. Think of mobile applications (Apps), websites, intelligent systems, video game consoles, cell phones, GPS navigation assistants, etc. All of these devices require sophisticated hardware and software, specialized for each of these applications. The computerization of design and manufacturing companies and processes is a huge, long-term project. <mark>Computer engineers must understand the constraints and needs of their customers and thus design, produce and deploy effective and efficient solutions. It is therefore not surprising that the demand for computer engineers is enormous.</mark> <p></p> Computer engineering training at the UOR aims to equip students with the knowledge and know-how necessary to meet daily needs in the orientations below: <br> - Mobile/Web/Desktop Apps <br> - Management Computing and Databases <br> - Software engineering <br> - Telecoms and networks <br> - Embedded systems and microcontrollers <br> - Information and communication technologies <br> - Perception for intelligent systems