East Africa /
Uganda / Gulu

Gulu University
The Department of Computer Science was established by the Gulu University Senate in 2003 to educate students in Computing Science disciplines. The Department currently offers two undergraduate programmes: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BCS), and Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (BICT). Two graduate programmes have been developed and will be mounted after accreditation by National Council for Higher Education. Research in the Department is structured under three research groups: Future Internet, Information Management, and Computer Simulation and Gaming. <p></p> The Vision and Mission of the Faculty of Science is in tandem with that of the University; to play a leading role in post-war reconstruction and rehabilitation of the region through the provision of human resources in the areas of Basic and Applied Sciences, technology, research and other services. It is also in conformity with the Strategic Plan of the University aimed at <mark>producing high level human resource that can effectively participate in solving the social and economic problems of the country.</mark>