Women in Technology Uganda - school image
Women in Technology Uganda

Our STEM-centered program takes advantage of the advancing state of the digital revolution and ensures young women and girls are not left behind. We push for gender equality in Uganda with strategic interventions. <br><br> Code Academy <br> - 2-year diploma in Computer Science and Entrepreneurship (DCSE) <br> - Through the Women’s Institute of Technology and Innovation (WITI) <mark><br> - Tech-based training to specialize in: Professional software development, Website development, Junior Practitioning</mark> <br> - Soft skills advancement for work in entrepreneurship <br> - Post-graduate networking through a digital jobs center <br><br> WITI recruits and trains brilliant young women into junior software developers (full stack developers). Our mission is to empower young women and girls to become innovative technologists and entrepreneurs. <br><br> Code Clubs <br> - In partnership with primary and secondary schools across Uganda <mark><br> - Introduction to computer science through coding and web design</mark> <br> - Training of teachers and schools to integrate technology content into the standard curriculum

NIISP - school image

Government of Uganda designed the National ICT Initiatives Support Programme to facilitate the creation of an ICT Innovation ecosystem and marketplace for Ugandan innovative digital products <p></p> The growth of the ICT innovation ecosystem in Uganda has mainly been private sector led with minimal direct support from government. Unfortunately, this approach has not been very successful and it has created standalone and closed software applications that have not promoted innovation at a national level. The NIISP(National ICT Initiatives Support Programme) will tackle bottlenecks to creating a digital ecosystem by promoting the development and deployment of applications to create an open ecosystem in Uganda that shall enable the government, companies and individuals to innovate and reach new markets. <p></p> The program shall: <mark> <br> - Encourage innovation by providing opportunities to create applications to support service delivery; <br> - Generate highly skilled jobs and wealth for individuals and companies that create applications for both government and the private sector; and <br> - Improve the use of government data for ICT innovation and application development. <mark> <p></p> The NIISP shall champion the creation of the ICT Innovation ecosystem to facilitate the growth and development of the software applications and innovations industry. The NIISP will focus on encouraging the creation of easy to consume and highly marketable digital products. The Specific Objectives for this programme are: <mark> <br> - To provide systematic and sustainable support to national ICT innovators <br> - To promote ICT products, services and solutions for improved service delivery as part of a wider digital ecosystem. <br> - To establish and operationalize ICT innovation parks. <br> - To promote local electronics manufacturing and assembly. </mark>

Outbox Hub - school image
Outbox Hub

As an Innovation hub based in Kampala, Uganda - We help new and upcoming African entrepreneurs interested in using technology to build high growth companies with co-working space, business incubation and technical training programs. <p></p> Through our partnerships, <mark>we help them raise money for their ventures and access markets. We also work with students, developers, researchers and organizations to build inclusive communities that entrepreneurs can tap into for talent and collaboration.</mark>

Makerere Innovation and Incubation Centre - school image
Makerere Innovation and Incubation Centre

Building what people need and want. We focus innovation and product development on the most pressing needs/demands to build viable solutions. MIIC facilitates the growth of innovative ideas into strong sustainable businesses. <p></p> Programs <p></p> MIIC Startup Dealflow <br> <mark>This is a 6 months dealflow incubation program for technology-enabled ideas in all sectors. For early stage early stage and later stage entrepreneurs seeking for product, business and market development support. Access top coaches, investors and networks of innovative founders. </mark> <p></p> Jumpstart Series <br> Meetup with established local business leaders, industry experts and alumni to share insights on early on company development, management and growth with local eco-system founders/entrepreneurs. Get inspired by the experiences of other founders from different spaces. <p></p> Investor Program <br> Beyond mentorship, we support startups with seed and growth investment past the incubation stage. We help founders prepare for investment and access to investment opportunities by private and public firms.