East Africa /
Kenya / Kerugoya

Kirinyaga University
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) are the major drivers of the Fourth industrial revolution which is radically transforming the structures of employment models and management techniques/strategies in almost all the sectors across the globe. It is evident that the speed of the current digital/technological breakthroughs has no historical match. Compared with the previous industrial revolutions, the emerging revolution is evolving at an exponential speed, shaking up almost every sector in the entire world and thus warranting paradigm shift in the entire systems of production (education and training), governance and management. <p></p> In response to this, <mark>the School has launched programmes with a focus to producing an innovative and creative graduate, adaptive to the changing trends/needs of the society.</mark> <p></p> Vision<br> To be a leading University in quality training, strategic research, innovation and technology development and transfer. <p></p>Mission<br> <mark>To train and develop human resources equipped with innovative skills to inspire enterprise in the disciplines of engineering, science, health and technology, to meet the demands of a dynamic world.</mark>