Southern Africa /
Mozambique / Maputo - Incubators

Standard Bank Business Incubator
The Business Incubator is a venture conceived within the scope of Standard Bank's vision and strategy, whose materialization involves the implementation of initiatives that foster innovation and entrepreneurship, which are the engines or drivers of the country's economic growth. <p></p> The space was conceived with a view to creating a favorable environment for the business in its first years of existence, also guaranteeing the insertion of the enterprise in the competitive market in a gradual and programmatic way. <p></p> <mark>Designed to drive inclusive growth, creating the foundations for a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem, the incubator works on five pillars, namely Loyalty, Incubation, Acceleration, Local Content and Inclusive Growth.</mark> <p></p> In addition to the physical space, the incubator offers from training to interaction with other companies and government agencies or entities, with a view to creating conditions for the emergence and establishment of sustainable enterprises, which will have a positive impact on the economy and its value chain, generating wealth and financial inclusion for citizens. <p></p> Idealization<br> Promote and cultivate intrapreneurial and entrepreneurial mindsets. <p></p> Incubation<br> To help companies still in the initial phase to reduce the risk rate. <p></p> Acceleration<br> To identify companies with high potential for scalability and support to unlock challenges for growth. <p></p> Local content<br> Identify and support potential local SMEs with high potential for supply chain integration opportunities. <p></p> Inclusive Growth<br> Promote inclusive growth across all pillars, such as gender, youth and informal sector inclusion.