East Africa /
Kenya / Meru - Universities

Meru University of Science and Technology
Our vision is to be a School of excellence in Information Technology, Computer Science, Research and Innovation, driven by quality in everything we do. <p></p> Access to the KENET virtual laboratory means that lecturers can now provide hands-on training to students on routing and switching laboratory remotely from our campus network. <mark>The KENET laboratory will enable the faculty and students access virtualized machines where they can practice skills like Linux/ Unix, Matlab, Windows Operating Systems</mark> among many others. Teaching staff at the School successfully completed Trainer of Trainers (ToT) Competency Based Education and Training (CBET) course by TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council (TVET-CDACC). Other skills learnt include Training needs assessment, development of occupational standards, Competency based assessment and certification, and competency based curriculum design, development and review.