North Africa /
Morocco / Oujda

Mohammed First University
The main objective of this DUT is the training of technicians specialized in the development of computer applications, while emphasizing: <br> - Programming languages (C/C++, Java, PHP), <br> - Information systems and databases <br> - Computer Architecture, Systems and Networks It is also important to point out that this sector perfectly meets the qualification needs as expressed by the project "Casa Offshoring Morocco 2010" <p></p> Skills to acquire <p></p> <mark>At the end of this training, the laureates must have acquired the following skills: <br> - Mastery of the development cycle of an IT application, from design to deployment. <br> - Database management. <br> - Maintenance of computer applications. <br> - Object-oriented and web programming</mark> <p></p> Outcomes of training <p></p> The training program is entirely technical, its scripting has been designed to promote practical learning and awareness of the reality of business life. The graduates of this sector should experience no difficulty in integrating into the socio-economic fabric, since their profile perfectly meets the needs of the job market on the one hand and also because of their preparation for the integration of the active life. They can hold positions as developer/programmer/analyst/designer in the IIS or the IT departments of companies or public administrations. As they will also be able to continue their studies in a professional degree or in an engineering cycle.

School of Advanced Engineering Studies - Oujda
The objective of the training is to provide engineering students with comprehensive training in the tools and methods used in software engineering, enabling them to <mark>design, model and analyze an organization's information systems</mark>. This training also offers Computer Engineering students an apprenticeship in operating systems, computer networks and computer security in order to increase their chances of easily integrating the world of work.