Southern Africa /
South Africa / Potchefstroom

North West University
There is an urgent need in South Africa (and globally) for computer scientists and information technologists. The different programmes in the School of Computer Science and Information Systems (SCSIS) aim to equip students with applicable expertise and skills in Computer Science and Information Systems. <p></p> The goal is to provide our students with knowledge and skills of modern and relevant programming languages, phases of a relevant system development life cycle (SDLC), database techniques and technologies, IT project planning and management techniques, and human-computer interface design. Students are educated in the ethical aspects of system planning and development to make a professional contribution to the IT industry. <mark>Students are expected to have knowledge and understanding of the value of information in enterprises and the technical functioning and processing of information sources, to make a meaningful contribution to strategic decision-making and management of information systems.</mark> <p></p> With the skills that the student acquired through successful completion of these qualifications, he/she will also be equipped and eligible to continue with postgraduate studies in the field of Computer Science and Information Systems at NQF level 8, thus either a BSc Honours degree or a Postgraduate Diploma in cognate fields.