Moroccan Center for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship - school image
Moroccan Center for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

Founded in 2012 by a group of people enthusiastic about social change in Morocco, the Moroccan Center for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship (MCISE) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding entrepreneurial and innovative solutions to every social challenge in Morocco. <p></p> <mark>We believe that supporting social entrepreneurs with system-changing ideas can provide benefits for Morocco and the wider global community.</mark> <p></p> In 2017, MCISE joined the Ashoka network of international change makers. <p></p> Our Vision <br> A world where innovative ideas and opportunities are at the service of the common good. <p></p>Our Mission <br> Find innovative and entrepreneurial solutions for every social challenge in Morocco.

Enactus - school image

Enactus is a community of students and academic and business leaders committed to using entrepreneurship to improve lives and shape a better, sustainable world.<p></p> Our Vision and Goals: <mark><br> - In entrepreneurship - our ability to identify opportunities and our talent to transform them into value-creating projects; <br> - Action - our desire to take action, to set up concrete projects on the ground; <br> - Us - a community of professionals and educators supporting a new generation of young leaders to become agents of change.</mark>