West Africa /
Ghana / Sunyani - Incubators

WAN-Hive Ghana
WAN-Hive Ghana is a Community of Enterprising Female Entrepreneurs and Innovators in Ghana. We Discover, Develop and Deploy vibrant and forward-thinking females to create sustainable solutions. <br><br> Women in Business Accelerator program (WiBA)<br> The Women in Business Acceleration Program is specifically crafted to empower and uplift women-led businesses, acknowledging the unique challenges faced by female entrepreneurs. <mark>This program aims to equip our entrepreneurs with essential resources such as access to investment opportunities, funding support for their businesses, and valuable guidance through mentorship with industry experts.</mark> By providing these resources, we strive to facilitate the growth and success of women entrepreneurs on their entrepreneurial journey. <br><br> Digital Skills Training for Girls<br> The Digital Skills Training for Girls is an initiative by WAN-Hive Ghana to equip young ladies between the ages of 15 to 20 with practical training in Basic Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills to aid them in their academic and professional journey. This is a Bi-annual training program to support girls in both Junior and Senior High Schools with basic computer skills. <br><br> This program seeks to break the gender parity in the digital space by equipping high school girls with basic ICT skills in Microsoft office, surfing the internet, social media engagement, and other digital skills.

GrassRoots Hub
GrassRoots Hub is an eco-entrepreneurship and SDGs Innovation Lab with global community of grassrooters making impact and social good. We educate, innovate and incubate start-ups and connect accelerators to leading companies, research institutions, foundations, non-profits, and investors. <p></p> MISSION <br> <mark>To accelerate grassroots innovations through co-creation. Collaboration and provision of support to build new thriving and passionate communities.</mark> <p></p> VISION <br> To strengthen brand integrity and reputation in the Bono, Bono-east and Ahafo region of Ghana as the leader in scaling-up grassroots ideas, start-ups and innovation. <p></p> CORE VALUES <br> The ABCD’s of GrassRoots Hub <br> - We Attract <br> - We Build <br> - We Connect <br> - We Deploy <p></p> Start-Ups<br> The Hub has four years of experience in incubating and supporting innovations within the scope of the SDGs vis-a-vis eco-entrepreneurship for social good <p></p> We have an established community of coaches, mentors and facilitators who provide start-ups under our programs with supports during their business development stage. <p></p> Part of our incubation support is to provide these start-ups with training to get them familarised with the market segment and assist them to access market opportunities in the Bono Region and beyond.