HOPin Academy - school image
HOPin Academy

We are an innovation hub providing goal-oriented, practice-oriented learning for young people harnessing technology. Our programs cover entrepreneurship, digital communication, Information Technology, video production, and business consultancy. As a social enterprise, we reinvest profits made through business consultancy and collaborative projects in empowering young people to realize their potential by providing a space for learning, idea generation and development of a startup entrepreneurial Eco-system as means of contributing to sustainable development. We are also engaged in educational innovation to ensure that entrepreneurship becomes part of the core subjects within Basic Schools in Ghana. <p></p> We are a team of idealists, strategists, developers, perfectionists & realists all thrown together. <mark>We come together to design the best services with a first-class user experience. We offer a comfortable space for events and training programs. We provide you with every resource to make your events and training fun and successful, a well-tooled maker space, and comfortable co-working spaces. </mark>

Tamale Technical University - school image
Tamale Technical University

The Tamale Technical University's Department of Computer Science programs examine the field not solely in a vacuum of theories. Instead, our programs explore the ways computing and algorithmic thinking influence and intersect with other scientific and technical disciplines. This perspective shapes the structure for all undergraduate and graduate computer science programs. <mark>Our students benefit from a practical orientation to computer science; cutting-edge, world-class research; congenial, accessible faculty; and an active student population. </mark>