North Africa /
Algeria / Tizi Ouzou

University of Tizi-Ouzou
Computer systems are a set of hardware and software means, with the purpose of to collect, process, store, transport and present data. In a context where the data is increasingly distributed, heterogeneous and massive, it becomes essential to implement techniques for development guaranteeing the sustainability of these systems. Quite rightly, the objective of this Master is to provide students with the fundamentals theoretical and practical essential to the design, development and validation of systems computers. <p></p> At the end of this training, the <mark>student is supposed to acquire the necessary skills for mastery of the main aspects constituting a computer system project, namely the aspect hardware, software and the human aspect, but also, guarantee a high degree of reliability and safety of the product system.</mark> <p></p> Profiles and business skills targeted:<br> This Master allows students to acquire the skills to: <br> - Realize infrastructures for the systems distributed as well as the design/production distributed and/or embedded applications. <br> - Design and administer databases, see also, implement architectures of data warehouses for large companies. <br> - Analyze and search information in flows of complex data using systems real-time computing. <br> - Design and develop measurement solutions to from smart sensors by integrating the quality constraints to guarantee systems durable computers. <p></p> Thus, this training course gives access to various careers. Future graduates will have the opportunity to enter the world of work as (non-exhaustive list): <br> - Software integrator consultant <br> - Technical architect for computer systems <br> - Database administrator <br> - Specialist in mobile web development <br> - Embedded IT Developer….