Agostinho Neto University
Universidade Agostinho Neto (UAN) is an Angolan public university, multi-campi, based in the city of Luanda. Established as a State University, UAN forms the intellectual base of Angola and is today the largest and main university in this country, being also a reference in Angolan higher education. <p></p> In the Computer Science program, you won’t just be sitting through lectures. Instead, your coursework will focus on learning by doing. This includes: <br> - Building a strong foundation during your first two years with computing, mathematics and general science classes. <br> - Talking a series of upper-division courses that will help you develop an expert knowledge in the field. <br> - Selecting electives that can help you deepen your knowledge in one area or expand your skill set. <p></p> Your program advisor will be helping you throughout the program to tailor your course schedule to align with your interests and goals. <p></p> Where This Degree Will Take You <p></p> Computing crosses several fields of study, so there are no limits to what you can do with a Computer Science degree. <p></p> Our graduates find positions as systems engineers, software architects, cybersecurity specialists and bioinformaticians. Here are some common career paths: <br> - Artificial Intelligence Engineer: Build systems that leverage machine learning and big data to automate complex tasks requiring human-level expertise. <mark><br> - Software Developer: Research, design, develop, and test operating systems-level software, compilers, and network distribution software for applications.</mark> <br> - Systems Analyst: Plan, direct or coordinate activities in such fields as electronic data processing, information systems, systems analysis and computer programming.

Catholic University of Angola
Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering , lasts 5 years, taught in daytime and after-hours regimes. It is organized in semesters, but it is two-stage. In a first stage, the high school (six semesters in the daytime course and eight semesters in the night course and a second stage of three semesters for the Bachelor's degree. <p></p> Professional Outings <p></p> <mark>The degree in Computer Engineering can perform the following functions: <br> - Computer Network Engineer; <br> - Computer Systems Engineer; <br> - Application Programming Engineer; <br> - Software Project Engineer; <br> - Information Technology Services Manager; <br> - Data Center Manager and Designer; <br> - University Professor. </mark>

Óscar Ribas University
FCT's mission is to create and disseminate knowledge and provide its students with a solid foundation and skills to improve, change and shape society through science, technology and entrepreneurship, combining teaching and research, development and innovation (ID&I) of excellence and in accordance with the highest national and international standards involving students, teachers, researchers and non-teachers. <p></p> This objective will be achieved by <mark>attracting and creating talent, who will develop their activity in a culturally diverse environment, endowed with efficient management, modern infrastructures and based on responsibility, demand and quality.</mark>

Technical Univeristy of Angola
The IT area is strategic in all countries. It permeates all human activities, from the arts to technologies, and one cannot imagine a modern society without a computer. Furthermore, the acceleration of a country's development process depends on how much Information Technology is present. It is therefore not without reason that the most developed countries in the world lead the development and application of information technologies. <p></p> Motivated by the growing needs of professionals in the areas of convergence between computer applications and computer networks, and in the guidelines of national scientific development strategies; The Degree in Computer Science <mark>allows graduates to acquire skills that will allow the development of projects in the areas of computer systems in the management of data and voice network systems, information security, data encoding, in the development of applications such as e-commerce, distributed systems, Web Services , among others.</mark>

Methodist University of Angola
Computer Engineering is a strategic area in the technological development of societies and has a transversal domain in industrial activities and in the service sectors of competitive economies. The Angola Methodist course focuses on current laboratory equipment, present in Industry, as well as on computational means of calculation and simulation. It thus <mark>offers theoretical and practical training in the area of information and communication technologies, allowing the development of skills and competences, and providing versatility and adaptation to the conditions of the labor market.</mark> <p></p> The acquired skills allow the performance of functions at the level of middle management and management in different types of companies. Among the various outputs we can highlight: Systems administration, auditing and consulting in information technology, database administration, administration of computer networks, scientific research and System analyst, project management and System development.

Mandume ya Ndemofayo University
The Degree in Computer Science has the central objective of transmitting the scientific and technical knowledge that allows meeting the growing needs in human resources with higher education in the fields of Computer Science, as well as the architecture of computer systems and information and communication technologies. <p></p> Professional Opportunities<br> Graduates in Computer Science are intended to integrate or support industrial and service companies, public administration, laboratories and research institutes. These specialists will be particularly <mark>able to master the environments for development, use and management of computer systems and applications, regardless of the physical realities to which they relate.</mark> Among the many possible professional outputs of this degree, the following stand out: <br> • Intelligent data analysis <br> • Computational Learning <br> • Intelligent algorithms <br> • Intelligent systems <br>• Optimization

Gregorio Semedo University
In recent years, companies and institutions in our country have witnessed a growing use of information technologies, both in administrative services and in areas directly linked to industrial production. <p></p> The increase in available solutions and technologies in these fields has led to a <mark>growing demand in the labor market for professionals who not only have adequate scientific training that generally covers areas located in the field of information technologies, but also who also have specialized training in their specific area of activity, be it the development and operation of specialized software, or the installation and administration of systems and networks.</mark> <p></p> In response to this trend, the Degree in Computer Engineering at UGS offers dominant training in the areas of software development and management of computer systems and networks. <p></p>Professional exits <p></p> The main professional opportunities foreseen for Computer Engineers graduated at UGS are the exercise of technical and management functions: <br> - IT services and companies; From services and software development companies; training units or services for users of computer <br> - equipment and application software; <br> - Data processing and security services; specialized technical assistance services and planning, installation and management of computer systems and communication and data transmission systems for companies and the Public Administration.

Katyavala Bwila University
The Polytechnic Institute (IP) is an integral part of the Katyavala Bwila University (UKB), in the province of Benguela. The Nucleus that gave rise to the IP began its activity in the academic year 2005/06 as the Informatics Nucleus and an integral part of the Centro Universitário de Benguela, as a result of PRODESB, by protocol signed between the UAN, the Provincial Government of Benguela and the Lisbon Technician, where the Computer Science course was taught. At IP, the <mark>Computer Science</mark> and Mechanical Engineering course is taught. The IP counts on the services of effective national teachers and collaborators, and also counts on the collaboration of teachers of Cuban nationality. As a complement to the theoretical – practical. What can you do with a computer science degree? Most people would immediately think of software development, others might say gaming development. However, <mark>a degree in computer science could take you into many exciting places. You could work anywhere: Banking or oil industries, consulting firms and software companies are a few examples.</mark> Most industries need computer science graduates.

Private Univeristy of Angola
As a student of Computer Science and Engineering you learn the basic principles and methods to develop software systems and web services, and how to take the user perspective into account. You will be able to scientifically reason about the correctness and efficiency of programs, using formal mathematical methods. <mark>You will know how to further develop the technology and software that underpins the internet.</mark> In addition to expanding your knowledge and skills, you will also learn how to apply these to solve specific problems.

Independent Higher Polytechnic Institute
The degree course offering theoretical and practical skills to solve engineering problems, create cutting-edge controller software, pair electrical and computer systems engineering or software engineering with computer science to create innovative solutions. <p></p> The program provides solutions to the ever-increasing information challenges in the modern world. <mark>Industry needs people who can extract and analyze information from the massive datasets generated by engineering processes and devices.</mark> Big data is the new challenge and opportunity in engineering practice across industries from construction and manufacturing, to transport and the energy sector.

International University of Cuanza
Today's global society is immersed in new services and products that appear and are updated daily, most of them based on the technological component. It is difficult to imagine, in this context, a business organization oblivious to these needs, quite the contrary: correct business management requires an operational and strategic approach to information technology. <p></p> The Degree in Computer Engineering occupies an essential role in the value chain of companies, being a fundamental part of the strategic vision of organizations and an essential pillar when facing changes. <p></p> The Degree in Computer Engineering will guide the student through the technological foundations that exist today until he is able to achieve a strategic vision in its application. The International University of Cuanza <mark>trains professionals who can solve problems in an analytical and strategic way and are able to understand the fundamental principles that govern technologies.</mark>