University of Nouakchott Al Aasriya
The College of Science and Technology was established in November 1995 by Decree No. 95.046. This college has a triple mission: training and research in the fields of science and technology, in addition to expert services. About 2,400 students are studying in the college, of whom 27% are girls, under the supervision of 130 permanent professors (20 assistant professors, 71 lecturers, 29 qualified professors and 10 university professors). This represents a supervisory ratio of 19 students per teacher. <p></p> The new computer specialization aims to train high-level graduates in the fields of computer science. <p></p> <mark>The training provides in-depth knowledge with a concern for balance between theoretical and practical aspects in order to make students able to move towards engineering or research professions.</mark> <p></p> This training prepares for the specializations requested by regional and national companies: Internet of Things, Software Development, Big Data and Cloud Systems.