Eduardo Mondlane University
The B.S. in Computer Science gives you the broad computational thinking, programming, and problem-solving skills you’ll need to succeed as a computing professional in a range of emerging careers and industries - from automated vehicles to biomedical devices and sensor-based technologies. The Department of Computer Science offers a comprehensive <mark>curriculum that favors a pragmatic, problem-solving approach to computing.</mark> The program builds upon a mathematically rigorous foundation, while challenging you with physics, chemistry, and other sciences to round out your ability to frame problems and think analytically.

Pedagogical University
It is a teaching and research unit that aims to provide basic and advanced knowledge in different areas of computer science. Created in 2002, the department is guided by the objectives of the Higher Education Law, which advocate <mark>scientific, technological and cultural training and research, as a means of solving society's problems and supporting the country's development; linking courses with the job market in all sectors of economic activity and; Realization of extension activities, which promote the dissemination and technical-scientific exchange.</mark> Since its creation, courses in Information Technology and Computer Engineering have already been given. And, with the 2014 curriculum review, these courses were merged into a single course with several outputs. The course is called a Degree in Informatics with outputs in: Software Development Engineering, Network Engineering, Teaching of Informatics and Multimedia. The department also offers an Applied Informatics course, which is taught in the distance education model.

Catholic University of Mozambique
The graduate in Information Technology at UCM is a professional capable of managing technologies in three main areas: programming, systems and networks administration, and databases. Graduates of this program are professionals with the ability to promote the use of information technologies, prepared to respond and adapt to the technological needs of today and the future, of the world in general and Mozambique in particular. From this general profile, students will be able to specialize in a specific area at master's level. <p></p> Skills <p></p> Graduates in Information Technology will have the following skills: <p></p> In Programming: <mark><br> - Understand the basics of programming, data structures and algorithms. <br> - Know the basics of imperative programming languages and object-oriented programming. <br> - Know the mathematical foundations that support computer technologies. <br> - Know how to identify, analyze, design and implement solutions to problems related to Information and Communication Technologies. <br> - Know how to manage projects and services in the area of information technologies. <br> - Know how to design, develop and operate systems, services and computer applications, both centralized and distributed, integrating hardware, software and networks.</mark> <p></p> In System and Network Administration: <br> - Know how to design, assemble, dimension and manage an ICT network. <br> - Know the main theoretical concepts underlying the main access and core technologies, knowing how to exemplify and discuss the use of these technologies in different network scenarios. <br> - Know how to prepare and execute projects and specifications of Structured Cabling. <br> - Select the most appropriate network services to support a given application. <br> - Identify and discuss the differences and concepts underlying IPv4 and IPv6 protocols and understand the principles and features inherent to mobility, implementing for IPv4 and IPv6. <br> - Know how to manage and configure internet services. <p></p> In Databases: <br> - Know how to design and implement databases. <br> - Specify and dimension equipment to support Database. <br> - Evaluate available Database Management Systems in order to choose the most appropriate one. <br> - Know how to manage, administer and maintain Database Systems. Transverse: <br> - Know how to communicate in writing and orally in both Portuguese and English. <br> - Know the English technical terminology in the field of modern Informatics <br> - Understand the professional, ethical, legal, security and social responsibilities and challenges of the use of information and communication technologies. <br> - Have a spirit of leadership and innovation, and the ability to integrate into a work team.

São Tomás University of Mozambique
The Degree in Software Development (LDSW) course has a duration of 4 years, that is 8 (eight) semesters, and is composed of 39 subjects, of which 8 (eight) subjects are general, 6 (six) basic and the remaining are core according to the curriculum. This course was created with the aim of directing the student from the beginning to a single specialization, focusing on the fundamental guidelines of the area of Software Development. <p></p> Skills acquired <br> - Perform Data Modeling and Software Design <br> - Satisfactorily implement a Software according to its socio-economic environment <br> - <mark>Produce Software by applying Structured and Object-Oriented Development Methodologies</mark> <br> - Build Software using Object Oriented languages and in a Web environment as well as in standalone <br> - Carry out a survey of Software Requirements according to the context in which it is requested <br> - Apply purely mathematical concepts in software production, thus creating products that are smarter and easier to interpret <br> - <mark>Design the structure of a relational and object-oriented database and know how to materialize it in environments such as Oracle, MySQL and PostgSQL (or SQL SERVER)</mark>

University of Zambeze
The Computer Engineering course at Unizambeze covers a wide range of subjects, making the graduate of this course a very versatile professional and enabling him to work in diversified and, sometimes, even complementary sectors. Thus, this course does not include options or specializations, seeking to cover most fields of activity for IT engineers in Mozambique. <p></p> The main objective of the Computer Engineering course at UniZambeze is to train computer engineers with a <mark>solid scientific basis, with general and specific knowledge, covering most of the traditional fields of Computer Engineering and with preparation for constant progress and adaptation to the unpredictable evolution of science, technology, technique and the socio-economic, cultural and environmental environment.</mark> <p></p> At the University, teaching, research, extension activities and associated laboratories are recognized as particular agents of change of the processes of preservation, transformation, acquisition and dissemination of knowledge. Furthermore, the need to reinforce the University's exposure to increasingly competitive environments has been constantly highlighted, in order to make UniZambeze's IT engineers and graduates professionals of reference at national, regional and international levels.

Polytechnic University of Mozambique
Trains professionals with solid technological and scientific knowledge necessary for the processes of elaboration, development, execution and monitoring of projects and the creation of sustainable technological solutions, in perfect harmony with the environment, in the regional and international context. Promote the humanistic and creative values of the Mozambican citizen. <p></p> Mission:<br> <mark>Train technicians with a high level of preparation in the human, cultural, scientific and technical aspects, to intervene at a national or international level, in the areas of engineering, management, economic, social and business sciences.</mark>

Higher Institute of Science and Technology of Mozambique
The Degree in Computer Engineering at ISCTEM (LEI) began in 1997, having been the first to be taught in Mozambique with the aim of filling the gaps of technicians with higher education in the field of ICT's. <p></p> With its own characteristics, it provides students with scientific, technological and methodological knowledge to solve problems related to Computer Science, Electronics, Communications and Management, so that they can, in a comprehensive and effective way, formulate and solve problems of specification, design, design, operation and maintenance of computer systems and applications. <p></p> <mark>The course also allows stimulating the acquisition of knowledge, techniques, approaches and multidisciplinary skills that foster innovation in processes, tools, methods and computer technologies.</mark> <p></p> Of the characteristics that distinguish the course and allow it to have added value, we highlight the inclusion of theoretical/practical subjects taught by visiting professors from universities based in Portugal (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Coimbra and Minho) and a <mark>strong practical component in programming, security, computer networks, database and a professional internship carried out in companies with which the institution has partnerships.</mark> <p></p> The first two years of the course are essentially based on the production of knowledge, development of basic course skills and student guidance. The third and fourth year of the course consolidate the skills of previous years and guide students in choosing the areas that best fit them, such as: programming, database, systems security, computer networks. <p></p> The practical component is carried out in specialized laboratories, which allows the consolidation of the contents acquired in the theoretical classes, internships and visits to institutions such as: mobile phone companies, banks and other similar institutions.

Jean Piaget University of Mozambique
Computer Engineering (CPE) is a field that blends hardware engineering and software development. Computer Engineers design and build digital systems, including computing devices and networks. <mark>Computer Engineers are particularly concerned with the interactions between software and hardware (programs and chips).</mark> Application examples include smart devices, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence. In this program, special focus is placed upon embedded systems design and the integration of sensors, actuators, and communication technologies.

Higher Institute of Transport and Communications
Computer science is the study of algorithms - problem solving methods — and how to express solutions in software to be run on a computer. In today’s world, Computer scientists are found working in almost every field, from healthcare to entertainment to the environment. They use problem-solving and teamwork skills to solve real-world problems. <p></p> Where can I perform this role of Computer Engineer?<br> Computers are vital to most industries today - from banking and communication to film production and transportation - and new jobs are rapidly emerging. The computer science degree develops depth of knowledge in all aspects of computer science. It also complements the broader analytical skills of a liberal arts education. <p></p>Classes & Curriculum <p></p> The computer science program includes programming in: <mark> <br> - Object-oriented programming <br> - Data structures <br> - Algorithms <br> - Computer organization <br> - Systems programming with Linux <br> - Operating systems <br> - Database <br> - Software engineering </mark>