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250STARTUPS is a multi‐partner incubation and acceleration hub which accelerates startups to be fundable for the period of six months per cohort. 250STARTUPS has created an appropriate and effective mechanism to foster technology startups from incubation into expansion phase through financial, legal, technical, and mentorship support among others. <p></p> What we do <p></p> Capital Talks<br> Every end of the month, Startups present their progress to a wide audience made of potential partners, investors and other startups. <p></p> Progress presentation<br> Every Friday, our startups go through what they have been doing during the week and present their progress to the group. <p></p> <mark>Product Development<br> Our Incubation Specialists takes founders through product development where they refine their solutions and implement features on their platform.</mark> <p></p> Finance and law sessions<br> Finance and legal associates receive training from our experts twice a week.

kLab Rwanda - school image
kLab Rwanda

As Rwanda strives towards establishing a knowledge based economy and achieving its Vision 2020 goals, fostering innovative ICT based SMEs becomes critically important. kLab (knowledge Lab) is a unique open technology hub in Kigali where students, fresh graduates, entrepreneurs and innovators come to work on their ideas/projects to turn them into viable business models. The growing kLab community is also made of experienced mentors who provide both technical and business assistance to needy members. <mark>At kLab we also host events, workshops, bootcamp, hackathons and networking sessions to promote collaboration/partnerships, investment and financing.</mark> <p></p>kLab's mission is to promote, facilitate and support the development of innovative ICT solutions by nurturing a vivid community of entrepreneurs and mentors. <p></p> kLab Startups Academy <p></p> kLab Startups Academy initiated entrepreneurs &innovators program that will be providing skills to tech entrepreneurs and the software developers. The program is designed to pre-incubate entrepreneurs from the ideation stage to prototype level whereas they have a market fit prototype. <p></p> This program will be a pipeline to 250Startups for the entrepreneurs that will graduate in the program as well as SOLVIT AFRICA for the software developers where they will be channeled to job opportunities for the competent developers. With our partnering companies 250Startups and SOLVIT Africa as the channeling pipeline for the program, we believe that this program can help a lot in the creation of the tech startups and job creations hence impacting the kLab community and the ICT Ecosystem in general. <p></p> Why applying in the program? <br> <br> 1.Pre-incubation <br> 2. Market fit prototype <br> 3. Access to tech incubations such as 250Startups <p></p> Who can apply? <br>1. Tech entrepreneurs <br>2. Software developers <p></p> Criteria <br> - High school graduates, University students or graduates, TVET <br> - Being a tech entrepreneur <br> - Willing to become a software developer and entrepreneur <br> - Having worked to 1 or more IT projects (i.e ...School projects) <br> - Willing to be committed to the program <br> - Being a kLab member or willing to become one <p></p> The program duration will be 3 moths with the intensive trainings on Back-end, Front-end, Mobile App Android and IOS and entrepreneurship skills on Business model canvas , Business plan, Introduction to management ,Introduction to finance 101, Design thinking, etc. We would like to encourage kLab community and tech youth in Rwanda to apply for this opportunity for one of the category; Whether tech entrepreneur with a project or whether you are a software developer.