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Accra Business School

BSc. IT Management

This course provides a unique blend of business and IT subjects which is viewed by industry as an essential element in the role of a modern IT manager. The course comprises a significant amount of practical work. In particular, Year 1 features continuous assessments with no final year exam, enabling students to monitor progress throughout the year.

On completion of the course, students will have a detailed understanding of:
- Network systems management, advanced database management
- Strategic management
- Team work and people management skills
- Financial information management
- Day-to-day IT department management.

Are you interested in working as an IT professional, but not necessarily as a software developer? Are you interested in a qualification that enables you to work in a vast array of organisations from small local companies to large multinationals? Are you interested in a course that gives you exposure to business and IT subjects much needed in industry?

Graduates are qualified to work across the IT spectrum in any industry sector.

Some sample positions include:
- Business Analyst Systems Administrator
- IT Consultant
- Database Administrator
- Network Administrator
- Web Developer
- Deployment Engineer Data Management Analyst
- IT Manager
- Project Manager
- Self-employed.