Bs Computer Science

The mission of the Department is to provide programmes at undergraduate levels, which produce and develop IT experts and other IT professionals capable of utilizing human and other resources to meet development needs and take advantage of the opportunities of Africa within the global context.

The Department aims at programmes which develop both the intellectual and the managerial potentials of its students. Specifically, the objectives of the Faculty programmes are to:
- Provide knowledge which develops the students. intellectual and critical thinking ability as well as their managerial and entrepreneurial skills
- Foster the ability to organise, analyse and interpret information for decision making; instil and inculcate high moral standards of personal and professional behaviour which are consistent with positions of trust and leadership in society’s) imbue in students sensitivity and commitment to efficiency in the use of resources as well as integrity, accountability and transparency
- Encourage and develop a sense of curiosity and inquiry needed for innovative thinking and the development of new knowledge