African Higher School of ICT (ESATIC) - school image

African Higher School Of Ict (Esatic)

Application Development and Information Systems

The purpose of the professional degree in Application Development and Information Systems (DASI) is to train technicians specialized in application development and database administration.


At the end of the training, the student is able to:
- developing and maintaining applications (web, mobile, etc.);
- implement a functional architecture of an information system;
- deploy and administer a database;
- understand the organization and operation of a company;
- work in a team by developing oral, written and relational communication skills interpersonal.

The Professional Bachelor's degree in Application Development and Information Systems (DASI) allows you to practice among others the following functions:
- application developer (web, mobile, etc.);
- Support Technician ;
- tester and integrator of web solutions;
- software package integrator;
- database administrator