Helping Fintechs grow and Scale

Labs by ARM 2.0 is designed to engage Nigerian post-MVP fintech startups in a series of activities aimed at exponentially advancing the growth of their companies within 12 weeks, while ensuring their investment-readiness. Selected startups will be provided with financial investment, distribution and access to investors. Participants are provided with office space, access to asset management firm ARM’s network and carefully selected mentors from the fintech industry who will provide hands-on support and valuable introductions. Applications for the second cohort of the accelerator closed on 30 December. It’s not clear if the accelerator will hold a third cohort or not, so keep an eye out for any announcement on upcoming application cycles.

ARM Labs Innovation Program Structure
ARM Labs Innovation Program is an incubator program by ARM to support the startup ecosystem. It usually commences with a call for application to attract high quality founders building amazing products.

Innovation Program
The program lasts for seven(7) weeks and during this period, founders participate in roundtables, meet business leaders within ARM and share ideas, there are also mentorship sessions and startups are prepared for demo day as well as sessions that will enable them to get more funding