A fully fitted and functional work space

Our mission is to give budding Ghana-based entrepreneurs the necessary leverage in elevating their businesses to a professional standard equitable to those of advanced countries. As a measure of economic growth via the GDP Growth Rate proxy, several studies have shown that advances in economic growth in the developed world as well as that of transition economies are primarily entrepreneurship driven (Acs and Audretsch, 1990; Carlsson, 1992; Audrestch and Thurik, 2000; Carree et al, 2002; Audretsch et al, 2007; Thurik, 2009; Audretsch and Thurik, 2010; Acs et al, 2012; Sarkodee, 2013).

The Issue
Again studies show that poor ICT penetration and unfavorable financial markets are some of the factors that stifle opportunity seeking entrepreneurs in developing countries such as Ghana. In Ghana where leasehold demands are stringent with landlords asking for 2-year advance payment coupled with unrealistic interest rates on loans from financial institutions, entrepreneurs run into financial constraints before their ventures get off the ground.

The Solution
In giving entrepreneurs the necessary tools; a professional environment, access to knowledge via reliable internet connectivity, a fully fitted and functional work space, conference room equipped with video conferencing, projector, etc, we do not only give budding entrepreneurs the stepping stone to elevate their businesses, we also encourage the knowledge spillover process which sparks further innovation via interaction.

The vision is to be the market leader in facilitating multiple serviced offices across Ghana in efforts to churn out growth-driven entrepreneurs who will in effect contribute toward Ghana’s economic growth through their activities in employment creation, spending, savings and investment.