Burkina Business Incubator - school image

Burkina Business Incubator

A framework for the maturation of ideas for innovative projects

The Burkina Business Incubator Association (BBI) is an incubation center for SMEs, a framework for the maturation of ideas for innovative projects and for training in business creation, business development, a real common work space whose main purpose is to promote entrepreneurship through the selection of innovative and high-potential projects and their support from the idea to the launch, including the economic model, studies, training of the promoter, mobilization of resources and the creation of the business. BBI prioritizes projects from the following areas: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Agro-industry, Tourism and Hospitality, Renewable Energy and Environment, and crafts.

The main objective of BBI is to participate in the economic growth of Burkina Faso and local development through support for the anchoring of the culture of entrepreneurship and self-employment, business creation, strengthening the capacities of existing SMEs, promoting innovation and facilitating access to financial and technical partnerships. BBI combines a program and a physical space that allow it to offer the following services:
- Reception and accommodation of project leaders at low rent;
- Shared services: (internet, telephone, offices, equipment, reception, conference rooms, cafeteria, etc.)
- Advice and assistance services relating both to daily operations (legal, personnel, banking relations, accounting) and to strategic aspects (advice, development of business plans, marketing advice, financial advice, industrial property, etc.) ;
- Training in entrepreneurship and various aspects of business management and individual coaching;
- Linking through financial, technological, commercial networks that allow the company to have access to partners, customers, etc.
- Assistance in the creation of the company and follow-up in the operation until a certain stage of growth or maturation or autonomy.