Online Coding Courses

We offer world-class, affordable coding courses for people who want to make a difference.

We give people the skill-set they need to contribute actively to the global economy and become leaders in the tech industry. CodeSpace graduates are known in the tech industry for being dynamic problem solvers who are able to keep pace in fast-moving work environments. The most important skill in the modern workplace is the ability to learn. All students at CodeSpace are taught not only how to code, but how to learn new languages and technologies. This keeps our graduates ahead of the curve.

We teach the skills that industry wants.

Our courses teach industry standard technologies and practices so that our graduates are ready to step into jobs in the tech industry. Our courses prepare students for leading industry certifications, and each student develops a code portfolio that is critical for every software developer to have.

Our world-class online learning portal guides students on their learning journey. By harnessing technology, we make learning flexible and convenient. All of our courses are modular and build onto one another, allowing students to learn the skills they need, when they need them.