Douala Institute Of Technology
BSc. Computer Engineering
The main function of specialists in the IT sector ( Software engineering, Design and maintenance of computer systems and networks, Computer management ) is to design and build complex systems for processing information on the one hand, and on the other part to ensure their maintenance. This includes in its entirety the organization of Man-Machine-System work where the organization of the unfolding of the regulation processes and that of the construction of interdependencies are fundamentally to be considered and structured.
At the end of the training, students must be able to develop hardware systems and software “ Software ” in their various fields of application. They then have the capacity to be able to simulate practical problems, to state possible solutions and to transform these into programs. They can analyze and assess alternative solutions, choose and adapt existing programs to solve specific problems. For their specialization, students in this course have the following options.Specialization options:
- Software engineering;
- Industrial Computing & Automation;
- Maintenance of computer systems;
- Computer graphics & Web-design;
- E-Commerce & Digital Marketing;