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Durban University Of Technology

Technology Center for Enterpreneurship and Innovation

The center´s goal is to nurture entrepreneurial thinking and action through education, training and business start-up support measures. Our center is open not only for our students but also to alumni, youth, community members and partners who share the same interests with DUT and are interested in establishing a mutually beneficial agreement with DUT.

Through its innovative strategies, training and mentorship programmes, the Center aims to develop successful and sustainable student and community enterprises. Whether you are in Applied Sciences, Health Sciences, Engineering and the Built Environment, Management Sciences, Arts and Design or Accounting and Informatics field, you are welcome to register and make contact with the Center staff. We will assist you to convert your business idea into a commercially or socially viable product, service or will help you develop your innovative idea further.

What you can expect from us:
- Coaching, mentoring and supporting entrepreneurs in all stages of their projects. No matter where you are starting from: We guide you through a structured process step by step.
> ENACTUS – International Student Projects
> Ideation – Developing and evaluating first innovative ideas
> Pre-Incubation – Preparing the foundation of your company
> Incubation – Establishing your company
> Post-Incubation – Further accompaniment while growing your company
- Providing a wide range of specific training programmes and courses for entrepreneurs
- Supporting obtaining intellectual property (patents)
- Providing access to labs and machinery, including laser-cutters, 3-D printers etc. for building and testing prototypes
- Arranging business plan competitions
- Assisting in writing professional business plans
- Arranging participation in worldwide student projects including coaching (ENACTUS)
- Nationwide and international networking with other entrepreneurs and business people
- Providing funding and financing opportunities for Student Entrepreneurs and access to a network of investors and venture capitalists for all businesses undergoing our incubation programme
- Support for innovation and product development and consultation services with relevant Faculty and expertise

Building Entrepreneurs and Innovators is a priority for South African higher education institutions as aligned to the National Development Plan (NDP) 2030 as well as the Entrepreneurial Development in Higher Education Programme (EDHE) initiated through the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and hosted by Universities South Africa (USAf). This is also aligned with ENVISION 2030 which has two DNA strands that will ensure our people are innovative and entrepreneurial as well as engaged. In terms of supporting innovation and entrepreneurship, the University put a plan in place to establish entrepreneurial support structures and infrastructure in 2018. Part of the process to-date has been building up the basic entrepreneurial programmes and support required to support our students as part of an established University wide incubation programme. This, we believe, will contribute to social economic development and job creation. As part of consolidating our focus and resources we are establishing an “umbrella” Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, that is yet to be named that will bring together existing entrepreneurial entities within DUT.