Helping the start-up of innovative companies

The FabLab ENIT is a student club of ENIT, which was officially founded in September 2014. However, the FabLab space has been present since 2012, thanks in particular to European collaborative projects. In the dynamic, competitive and creativity-hungry industrial context, innovation is a key tool to meet market needs. Moreover, ENIT, as the oldest of Tunisian engineering schools, must take up this challenge and address this subject by providing adequate training to its students by providing an appropriate space. The objective of creating a FabLab is to democratize digital and personal manufacturing, to encourage individual creativity and to help the start-up of innovative companies by newly graduated engineers and to support their development.

Thanks to the efforts made by the school to materialize the upstream parts of the innovation process, an ENIT innovation platform, based on the i-Créa@ and DICAMP projects, was created within the framework of Euro-Mediterranean Tempus projects. . The FabLab ENIT is the most suitable space to encourage any form of innovation within ENIT. It is the most adapted to the pedagogical and technological context of the school. In addition, the school has the majority of the basic equipment to launch a globally recognized FabLab, enjoy all the advantages of belonging to the FabLab network, and even respond to calls for tenders at scale. international.

Supported by the school, the FabLab ENIT will have as its main objective to promote DIY (Do It Yourself) culture, to promote education in technical sciences and to democratize digital and personal manufacturing. This place dedicated to manufacturing will mainly host student projects of an academic or other nature. Ideally, the reception capacity could be extended to a limited number of users outside the school. The FabLab ENIT project is an ambitious project, which offers students an opportunity to develop the qualities sought in a future engineer, namely team spirit, respect for deadlines, curiosity, creativity.