Equips Ghanaian children and youth with STEM skills

Ghana Code Club registered under the Healthy Career Initiative, is a Non-Governmental Organization in Ghana. Our aim is to equip Ghanaian children and youth with a focus on inclusion of underrepresented groups, with the skills they need to be prepared for further studies, including advanced digital skills and science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) courses, leading to the jobs of the future.

Ghana Code Club organizes coding programs, robotic and technology classes from Schools, Libraries, community centers through a network of trained educators and volunteers to guide kids and teens to program using visual and text languages such as Scratch, HTML/CSS, Python and others to make computer games, animations, websites and mobile apps. We also use incredible hardware from Arduino, BeeBots, Revolution Robotics, micro: bits, programmable drones, makey-makey kits etc to make our lessons practical and fun for our code clubs.

Computer programming, computer science and STEM programs are important concepts for today’s world; - that is why we are on a mission to ensure no child particularly girls are left out. Radical action is needed if we are to close the digital gender gap.

Ghana Code Club since 2015 has proven to be a huge success reaching over 55,000 directly and indirectly through trained educators and dedicated volunteers and still counting! We are thrilled that corporate organizations like SAMSUNG and America Tower Company have partnered us to extend our computer science activities to children and the youth in rural Ghana through their CSR initiatives. With their support in building Community ICT learning centers across rural Ghana, we are hopeful for the participation of the less privileged. The SAMSUNG Ghana and ATC Ghana digital centers are spread across Accra, Swedru, Tarkwa, Asuom, Jamasi, Bodua and Akontobra.

The above rural ICT centers run free courses teaching kids fundamentals of computer science. Benefiting over 15,000 students yearly.