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Ghana Innovation Hub

Power of businesses and the power of technology to improve business operations

At the Ghana Innovation Hub we believe in the power of businesses and the power of technology to improve business operations. In order to help develop innovative businesses, we work to improve the quality and availability of support services and access to finance in the Ghanaian ecosystem. The hub offers physical working space, as well as business development services, investment matchmaking and ecosystem support.

We offer support in the ideation, incubation and acceleration stages; working towards business growth with the entrepreneurs we support.

You are developing your idea or looking for inspiration for new product or service development for your existing business. You can join one of our workshops, networking events, or short courses to develop the right idea The goal is to develop your idea or a first business model.

You are developing your idea into a business model and/or testing the assumptions in your business model in the market. You can join one of our incubation programs or apply for coaching to further build your product, service, team and business model. The goal is to find product market fit.

You have developed your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and are generating substantial revenues through your customers. You can join one of our accelerator programs to equipt your business for growth and investment The goal is to grow and scale the business