Higher Institute Of Science And Technology Of Mozambique
Degree in Computer Engineering
The Degree in Computer Engineering at ISCTEM (LEI) began in 1997, having been the first to be taught in Mozambique with the aim of filling the gaps of technicians with higher education in the field of ICT's.
With its own characteristics, it provides students with scientific, technological and methodological knowledge to solve problems related to Computer Science, Electronics, Communications and Management, so that they can, in a comprehensive and effective way, formulate and solve problems of specification, design, design, operation and maintenance of computer systems and applications. The course also allows stimulating the acquisition of knowledge, techniques, approaches and multidisciplinary skills that foster innovation in processes, tools, methods and computer technologies. Of the characteristics that distinguish the course and allow it to have added value, we highlight the inclusion of theoretical/practical subjects taught by visiting professors from universities based in Portugal (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Coimbra and Minho) and a strong practical component in programming, security, computer networks, database and a professional internship carried out in companies with which the institution has partnerships. The first two years of the course are essentially based on the production of knowledge, development of basic course skills and student guidance. The third and fourth year of the course consolidate the skills of previous years and guide students in choosing the areas that best fit them, such as: programming, database, systems security, computer networks. The practical component is carried out in specialized laboratories, which allows the consolidation of the contents acquired in the theoretical classes, internships and visits to institutions such as: mobile phone companies, banks and other similar institutions.- Location: Maputo, Mozambique, Southern Africa
- Website: https://isctem.ac.mz/engenharia-informatica/