Higher Polytechnic Institute Of Madagascar
Management Computing Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence
The Higher Polytechnic Institute of Madagascar or ISPM, the first private polytechnic institute in Madagascar was created in January 1993 in Antananarivo on the initiative of Professor RABOANARY Julien Amédée. When it was created in 1993, it was known as the Ecole Supérieure de Sciences et Techniques de l'information à Madagascar or ESSTIM, having only one course in IT Management, Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (IGGLIA).
The objective of the ISPM is to train Technicians and Engineers in tune with scientific and technological progress and aware of the economic and social realities in Madagascar. The training course consists of three parts, namely:- Three years of theoretical and practical training followed by a three-month internship within a company.
- This internship is the subject of a dissertation defended in public with a view to obtaining a Bachelor's degree;
- Two years of deepening of knowledge followed by an internship generally six months research work in a company and concluded by a public defense for obtaining an Engineering Diploma;
- Years of research in preparation for obtaining a doctorate degree. All companies (public or private) can no longer do without IT tools, especially IT applied to management. The Computer Science Management Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence sector is a sector whose objective is the training of Engineers and Senior Technicians capable of mastering all computer techniques relating to business management.
- Location: Antananarivo, Madagascar, East Africa
- Website: http://ispm-edu.com/filieres.php