Learn. Meet. Build

ICODE is a business and technology incubator which trains people on entrepreneurship and technology and provides co-working offices and private working space that comes with 24/7 4G internet WiFi access for early stage star-ups and individual change makers and dreamers who need such resources to pilot their ideas from table top to the market in the Western Region of Ghana.

ICODE established in the year 2016, has trained over 240 startup founders / entrepreneurs with 15% getting direct funding from the government to expand their businesses and create more employment opportunities the unemployed graduates, 85% of them getting funding and business support through contributions made from companies we partnered, directly built on the capacity of 900 young people in a remote town in Western Region called Dixcove

Services Offered at ICODE:
- Co-working space
- Private office
- Meeting room
- Event space
- Networking to Ecosystem Players / Investors

Over the years since it establishment, it has grown from the start of 50 registered community members to 800 officially registered community members with diverse background ranging from entrepreneurship, mobile application development, web application development to photography, arts, desktop application development, IoT, and socio-economic development.

Program Offered at ICODE HUB.

Code Project ( IoT, Mobile Development, Web Development, Digital skills, Entrepreneurship)
Code project is a four month skill incubation project which trains unskilled and unemployed people on computer programming in languages such as HTML AND CSS, JAVA, PYTHON, ARDUINO , ROBOTICS and other programming languages to equip them with the ability to build software and develop system applications such as mobile and web applications for a period of two months. The next two months in this project is used to train these beneficiaries on perfecting their skills for job recruitment and self establishment as self employed business people