Activates the entrepreneurial activity among Sudanese youth

IEC(Innovation & Entrepreneurship Community) is a national youth-driven NGO initiated in 2013, with the mission off activate the entrepreneurial activity among Sudanese youth, through raising awareness, organizing events, holding workshops, partnering with leading global entrepreneurship communities and bringing new opportunities that would support entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs in our community.

IECs goal is to build a vibrant startup community through raising awareness, organizing events, holding workshops, partnering with leading global entrepreneurship communities and bringing new opportunities that would support entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs in our community

We envision a world class community driven by innovation, where our role is to support the entrepreneurial activity in Sudan with all the resources that is or will be available to us through regular researches in the field, partnering with leading global entrepreneurship communities and bringing new opportunities to the Sudanese youth.

IEC works on inspiring, empowering and supporting the entrepreneurial system in Sudan by offering opportunities and mentorship, building local and international partnerships, creating supportive programs and projects and cooperating with relevant government authorities to develop policies to contribute on supporting the Sudanese economy.