Impact Hub Dar es Salaam - school image

Impact Hub Dar Es Salaam

Locally rooted, globally connected and inclusive home for innovators

Impact Hub Dar es salaam is focused on changing the narrative in innovation. Rapid growth of innovators necessitates instant action to build a support system for their business stability and growth. This not only champions economic growth but it also forges a sense of collaboration amongst innovators as they solve the community’s most pressing challenges whilst turning them to entrepreneurial opportunities.

The space provides a co-working environment for innovative businesses. We believe this is a kick off stage to building a community of changemakers who can collaborate in different projects to enhance sustainable development.

Our space includes a multipurpose 119M square area for meetings, training sessions and independent working spots, a dancing room of 116M square for dance classes and rehearsals, and a 76M Square fully equipped music studio.

Our space is uniquely designed to form a community of entrepreneurs for positive impact through their business. Become a member today and contribute in achieving SDG 8 (Decent work and Economic Growth).

Impact Hub Dar es Salaam has been a catalyst for entrepreneurial and impactful action for 2+ years. We are part of the Impact Hub global network – one of the biggest of its kind in the world – made up of 24,250 people driving change, 100+ communities in 60+ countries across 5 continents.