Tech-skills programs

Inceptor is the leading Innovation Centre in Africa offering Tech-Solutions & Training in Software Development, Mobile App Development, Digital Marketing, Graphic Design & Cybersecurity among other tech-skills programs.

Our Goal is solving the global tech-talent shortage by identifying the untapped brilliant talents; exposing them to learning opportunities at an elite level and placing them to work with partner companies looking for these talents as part of their team.

Inceptor helps businesses around the world to build remote teams quickly and cost-effectively through management of tech-solutions for companies in need of these talents to fulfill their growth needs.

Our headquarters is in Kenya with technologists in South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda & Egypt.

What we do
- Live-project Training: We offer fully practical, personalized and objective-driven training aimed at equipping learners with competitive professional skills to advance in their career and perform at world class level.

- Placement: Through our placement program, over 75% of our students are absorbed by partner companies in need of professionals with these rare tech-skills talent to work with them.
- Mentorship: Luckily, our instructors are experienced technology experts already working in the industry. Through our Incubation Program, we help our students reach their full human potential by achieving their goals through training and supporting them to understanding and benefiting from opportunities in the technology space.

Why join us

By joining an Inceptor, you become part of our Tech Professional Community who collaborates with other professionals in learning, sharing of knowledge and giving value to the community;
- Objective Training. We offer goal-driven training based on a goal, passion and interest.
- Our training is skill-based, 100% hands-on practical & on Live-projects.
- Placement. We help in linking up qualified tech professionals to partner companies in need of these technologists.
- We have a tech incubation program for the students to work on live projects or clients’ gigs under our mentorship.
- We help our students in profiling & promoting their tech-skills talents.
- Seasoned trainers – Training by instructors who are experts already in the industry.