
At Incus Data, we believe that good programming is both an art and a skill. We believe that training programmers and software developers in new skills - such as Java, C, C++ and web development - requires a different approach to training users.

User training involves training new users how to do a specific task. Training programmers, on the other hand, means training people to understand the methodologies, tools and thinking processes involved for a new language or technology, and how to apply these to real-world problems.

We also understand that training adults is very different to training children. For example, did you know that a lecturer has to repeat something more for adults than a teacher would have to for children?.

We teach you more than just a new programming language or technology. Our courses also teach you good coding practice and better ways to make your code cleaner and easier to maintain.

In the words of respected coding guru Rick Osborne: "Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."

Why? Because coding matters.