International University Of Tunis
Software Engineering
The engineering degree in software engineering prepares you as an engineer to work and innovate in software computing across all industries. After a theoretical and practical training on some basic and advanced languages, you are able to develop on any tool or language. Practical or functional training allows you to acquire analytical reflexes in software architecture, thanks to tools and platforms available at ITU such as SAP Cloud Platform, Microsoft and other software from partner companies where the student will be able to perform his end-of-studies internship with a report and dissertation.
The interdisciplinary training allows you, beyond the mastery of the tools and languages of computer development and to analyze the processes and management of projects. With this degree, you learn to work in a group and lead a development team to design, develop and implement software based on a predefined need. This national engineering degree opens up broad professional prospects thanks to a network of German and international companies, but also through partner universities which allow you to continue in research; patents and publications.