Department of Computing and Information Technology

Our clients are the students, our faculty recognise that they exist because of this clientele; we are therefore in the business of mentoring this great asset in any country the world over and to release its potential. We recognise that in any country the world’s biggest innovators are the youth. Universities deal with the young and the ICT department recognises the great potential these people have. We also recognise that given the opportunity and resources, our students’ creativity has no limit. In order to help our students realise their potential, our greatest asset remains a motivated faculty and support staff.

The department will therefore endeavour to develop this human asset, that most times is greatly ignored, so as to achieve its mission. Like a cook whose success is measured by appreciation of what he cooks, our success will be measured in terms of the success of our graduates. The success of our graduates will attest to the success of our faculty. To achieve this, the department will strive to recognise department staff for any outstanding service and everyone's contribution to our success.

To be a competitive centre of excellence in ICT

To produce competitive graduates who meet ICT market demands.

Core Values
1. Excellence
2. Academic Freedom
3. Professionalism
4. Creativity
5. Innovation
6. Truth
7. Equal Opportunity
8. Dynamism
9. Integrity
10. Teamwork