Incubation Program

Supporting you from Ideation to Implementation. We accompany you free of charge across your entrepreneurial journey

Guiding you personally and professionally through fortnightly meetings with a dedicated coach to better equip you with the right tools to make your business a success

Self Development
Formal training sessions by professionals in the field, covering topics such as marketing, finance, strategy, legal framework and so forth

Social Capital
Hosting of quarterly events to meet people from the industry as well as facilitating meetings between the entrepreneur and established players in the market

Financial Capital
Supporting start-ups in pitching their business idea to potential investors and lenders by running through internal pitch deck sessions hosted by industry captains

Physical Space
Access to a co-working space including a meeting room and a business address to meet stakeholders as well as work on your project in a conducive environment

Providing administrative support to the start-ups including setting up of the company, trade licenses, basic accounting and setting up of bank accounts