BSc Information & Communication Technology

The Department of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) was established in the year 2005 under the Faculty of Information Science and Communication and now belongs to the Faculty of Science, Technology and Innovation since 2018 due to the University restructuring. It was primarily established to reduce the acute shortage of ICT professionals in Malawi by responding to various policies such as the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS II), National ICT Policy, ICT for Development (ICT4D) Policy and Vision 2020. These strategic documents realize that rapid development in all sectors of the economy will require highly skilled and educated workforce, in particular the application of science, technology and innovation.

Throughout the years, the department has grown and expanded her operations significantly.

This programme offers students a rich learning experience that blends theoretical, practical and industrial skills. Its structure and delivery methods equip students with analytical and problem solving skills in the fields of Networking, Programming, Databases, Software Development and Algorithms.

In addition, students obtain advanced skills in Multimedia Technologies, Computer Security and Mobile Applications Development. Career options to graduates include; Software Developers, Systems Analysts, Database Managers, IT Managers, Researchers in Computing and several other computing careers.

As a requirement towards partial fulfillment for the award of the degree, the students will complete a research project to demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills acquired throughout the tuition. In addition to the research project, the students will undergo an assessed industrial attachment. The attachment exposes the students to real work environment. Furthermore, all students will complete a mini project during the third and fourth year as a requirement. It is a four-year face-to-face multiple entry and multiple exit programme. The generic students enter the programme at Year 1 (Level 1).