Make It

Nailab has over 10 years experience in developing customized training and acceleration programs with strong mentorship elements together with our partners both in Africa and around the world.

Mwanzo is a virtual platform that equips entrepreneurs with the skills to build sustainable businesses that practically solve Africa’s unique challenges using innovation through business mentorship and community support.

We run challenges to facilitate access to seed funding to enable entrepreneurs to take their ideas to the next level, grant funding to support already existing business and recognize outstanding entrepreneurs in the continent.

Growth opportunities
Every business needs to be alert to new opportunities. Companies must continuously strive to identify new growth opportunities such as; investment opportunities, grants and new ways to identify new markets in order to achieve long-term business success.

Every new business idea or existing businesses, whether it's for products or services, require one vital thing: Money. Entrepreneurs need capital to pay for the cost of production, hiring staff, renting premises, buying or leasing equipment, marketing, etc..

The abilities that can help you launch a business are not the same as those you need to help it grow. Entrepreneurs are the driving force behind creating and growing new businesses. All too often, they are also the people holding them back by lack of relevant knowledge.