School of Information Technology

Advances in Information Technology are reshaping the world as we know it. Whether it’s in transportation, entertainment, education, medicine, or telecommunication, there is almost no area that has not been directly affected by advances made in the IT domain. The School of Information Technology offers a program that was designed with the aim of providing its students with an education that sets them apart.

To do so, the program offers a strong curriculum that covers the foundations, while bringing students awareness of cutting-edge technologies in their selected specialization tracks.

The school also emphasizes the practical aspect of the field and provides students with various means to practice what they have learned both inside and outside the classroom. The skills that the school cultivates, ensure that students will be able to keep up with advances in the IT domain and to maneuver its rapidly changing landscape. Furthermore, a strong business component means that graduates from this school can start their own businesses upon graduating as well as play effective roles in existing organizations.