Space for flexi-working

Pyale WorkHub is the company’s first foray into flexible office rental service businesses and its ambition is to expand this business offering across key commercial cities in Nigeria. Our key value proposition is to provide our clients with a slick, technology-enabled environment that allows them create value for their stakeholders whilst taking away the burden that comes with the upfront cost of long-leases and capital expenditure away from young and budding entrepreneurs, leaving them to focus on productivity, growth and creating value for their stakeholders. A comfortable and efficient workspace is essential to any business’s success. While there are many benefits, choosing the right coworking space can be difficult. Pyale WorkHub will provide its clients with the following benefits:

Help Separate Work from Home:
Anyone who has worked from home will agree that the biggest drawback of working from home is the abundance of distractions it offers. When you are comfortably lounged on your sofa and have your kids, pets, family chores, visitors, and a lot of other home-related matters drawing your attention, work is bound to suffer. It can also happen that when you work from home, you are tempted to spend a couple of hours watching the TV or catching up with the latest series on Netflix. A shared office space ensures a distraction-free environment and also lets you separate work from home.

Enhance Your Productivity:
When you opt for coworking, you step into an environment full of people who are eager to carve out a niche in their own fields. The energy and positive mindset of the people working in such a space help to remove your own uncertainties and motivates you to overcome any downward trend in your work. Also, since such spaces are full of people who are not part of a single office or not vying for the same professional achievements, the sense of rivalry and competition is much less among the co-workers.

Opens Up Net Working Opportunities:
Coworking spaces are a melting pot of people with varied talents and belonging to different professional backgrounds. Being a part of such an environment opens up the opportunities to network and get in touch with people who might be relevant for your business or work.

Reduce Costs and Increases Flexibility:
If you are considering renting office space, you will have to be financially ready to not just rent the space but spend on installing the required infrastructure and then maintaining them as well. With coworking space, you save on the cost and the hassles of renting and managing office space. Moreover, you can opt to work out of even prime locations without having to dig deep into your pockets.

Offers the Opportunity for Expert Advice:
Most coworking spaces organize different kinds of events and programs to help co-workers gain a better foothold in their respective industries and become successful. As a member of a coworking space, you get to attend such programs and events without any extra cost. Apart from such events, you can also ask for expert professional advice from the talented people surrounding you when you face a roadblock in your work.

Gives You a Comfortable Workspace with all the Necessary Facilities:
Unlike traditional offices, coworking spaces ensure that you work in a comfortable environment. By a comfortable space, we mean access to all facilities such as refrigerator, microwave, internet, coffee machines, lockers, printers, and of course, parking space, and all that for free or a very nominal cost. Add to that a bright and cheerful ambiance, dotted with ergonomic chairs where you can sit and work for hours without straining your backbone.