Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University
Department of Computer Science
The department has since established links with keen industry players. We are an academy for CISCO, HUAWEI, ORACLE, and IBM South Africa. In addition, we make use of software products widely used in the job market, the likes of ORACLE and Microsoft Suite. This has enabled us to incorporate industry specific modules into our academic offering necessitating a student to have certification from the respective companies upon completion at SMU, hence giving the student competitive edge over peers from other Universities in the country as well as abroad when seeking employment. We strive to continue with such relationships because of the employment benefits it brings to our graduates in building our community and nation.
In response to the call by the national government to produce more ICT graduates, the department is embarking on introducing a standalone programme in Computer Science & Information Technology at the undergraduate level to feed into the post graduate programmes. That work has already begun with the new PQM application expected to serve before all University structures and further submission to DHET early this year 2021. This certainly will see further tremendous growth in the department as well as student enrollment.