Technical University Of Kenya
School of CComputing and Information Technologies
Welcome to the School of Computing and Information Technologies (SCIT) at The Technical University of Kenya (TU-K). The School of Computing offers market driven academic programs from certificate to PhD level with an objective to transform our students to responsible graduates who are problem solvers in the society. The school is one of the fastest growing schools in TU-K attracting learners who come either fresh from High schools or those already with a background from other disciplines who have a passion for “ICT”. We are committed to offering our students and stakeholders excellent customer service, excellent teaching using impactful approaches and methodologies such as case based teaching and problem based learning. Moreover, we expose the learners to the latest technologies. In close collaboration with the industry partners, our students get inducted to the real world of IT projects while still on campus. True to TU-K’s philosophy of developing holistic graduates with requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes for the real world of work, the school of computing has a tradition of focusing on skills development based on sound theoretical underpinnings and exhibited through demonstration of skills in the studied fields.