Spreading computer literacy in Douala and Cameroon

TriConex is a small IT startup with a big dream to spread computer literacy in Douala and Cameroon. We offer courses that are geared towards increasing the IT literacy of the younger generation, starting from the very basics of Computer Science, teaching kids how to code with the simplest language and moving on with advanced methods and programming languages.  

Our Vision is to equip the young generation with a bright tech future and build up young entrepreneurs who will be experts in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine learning (ML), Robotics and Data Science etc. 

After doing research, we discovered communication, leadership, and effective project management skills are crucial factors that IT recruiters look for. Our students and employees needed to be taught self-management and adaptability skills to work well under any circumstance and grow a sense of ownership with their project.

Services Offered

Tech Startup and Software Training
Enroll in our software training program to equip yourself with excellent IT skills, build projects and gain a sense of the job market. We offer intensive training and hands-on experience to hone both your critical thinking and creativity skills.

Exposure to JavaScript and Python will allow you to focus on your back-end development and a chance to look at actual projects to get an understanding of market requirements. We offer training based on your skill level, therefore everyone gets the most out of their experience with us.

Our tech startup program will teach you the basics of how to create your own IT business, how to get clients and build your firm from scratch. Don’t miss out on this amazing learning opportunity and enroll now!

Coding for Kids
Do your children have a passion for learning? Do they often struggle with math? We’ve got you covered! Sign them up with TriConeX and get their coding journey started!

Our coding camp aims to instill a passion for programming and mathematical skills in children. We have children from ages 7-17 from all kinds of backgrounds. Teaching them the fantastic world of AI and game development allows them to become better at problem-solving and increases their computer literacy.

Coding and math work hand-in-hand. Our aim is to produce the next generation of coders from Cameroon. There’s live coding, website development, math, programming, and so much more! Sign your child up now!

Co-working Spaces
TriConeX aims to offer a friendly co-working space to foster a sense of community in its team. Working across from your fellow employee not only makes you approachable to your colleague but also allows you to be surrounded by people that can help you grow.

friendly co-working space to foster a sense of community in its team. Working across from your fellow employee not only makes you approachable to your colleague but also allows you to be surrounded by people that can help you grow.

Learning from other people and their experiences creates the stepping stones for our growth. Our team has also noticed a boost in productivity from our co-working environments as compared to an individual focus. This also gives our employees and members a chance to connect with each other and build a larger space with good quality utilities.

Learning from your peers and connecting with a diverse group of people on a personal level helps you understand what you’re lacking and what you need to grow.