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University College Of Technology

Computer Science

Computer science is a fast-moving field that brings together many disciplines, including mathematics, programming, engineering and linguistics. Our course provides you with a skill set that’s highly prized in industry and for academic research.

Computer Science is about understanding computer systems and networks at a deep level. Computers and the programs they run are among the most complex products ever created; designing and using them effectively presents immense challenges. Facing these challenges is the aim of Computer Science as a practical discipline, and this leads to some fundamental solutions.

Computer Science at UCT
Computer Science can be studied for four (Bsc degree). The fourth year allows the study of advanced topics and an in-depth research project. Everyone applies for the four-year course and chooses their exit point at the beginning of the third year.

The course concentrates on creating links between theory and practice. It covers a wide variety of software and hardware technologies and their applications. We are looking for students with a real flair for mathematics, which you will develop into skills that can be used both for applications such as scientific computing, and more importantly for reasoning rigorously about the specific behaviour of programs and computer systems. You will also gain practical problem-solving and program design skills; the majority of subjects within the course are linked with practical work in our well-equipped laboratory.

Our graduates’ knowledge and skills embody principles which will outlast today’s technology, making them highly sought after by industry and commerce alike. For example, companies at our annual recruitment fair collectively seek to recruit more than our entire annual number of graduates.

About half of our students go on to work in the computer industry, while a fifth pursue further study and careers in teaching and research. Many graduates have founded successful companies while others have easily found employment in banking, consultancy and business.