University Of Dschang
Department of Computer Science Mathematics
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science offers programs in Mathematics (BA an BS) and Computer Science (BS). The department also offers a minor in mathematics and a minor in computer science.
The objectives of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science are threefold:- To prepare students for professional careers in mathematics, and computer science;
- To satisfy the mathematical needs of students majoring in other disciplines; and
- To help all students develop or review basic mathematical skills and understanding. The Department seeks to achieve these objectives through its course offerings, and a variety of supplemental learning resources. The department implements the missions prescribed by the Ministry higher education, namely: Teaching
Training of middle and senior managers that the country needs. The research
Scientific innovation: Studying, researching and proposing innovative solutions to national and international problems. Development support
Transfer of advanced technologies, knowledge and know-how, implementation / enhancement of expertise in the service of development. Specific objectives
Train middle and senior managers capable of participating in the design, build, market, install, manage and maintain large computer or mathematical analysis or security systems, for companies, design offices and individuals. Students trained are scientifically and technically competent We have a computer laboratory for practical work and developments, equipped with:
- “core-i9” Micro-Computers (PCs and Laptops)
- File and database servers, UPS
- Biometric Readers, Printer / Scanner
- Network equipment (Routers, Switches, AP-Wireless, Modems, etc.)
- IoT Sensors and Network Programming Kits Microcomputers are equipped with:
- Environments: UNIX-Linux, Windows-Svr_2016/2012/2008, Win_10/8/Vista;
- Tools: Java, C++, C, Python, Perl, Ruby, Shell, Fortran, Pascal, Visual studio, Android studio, Eclipse, Oracle, MySQL, PotgreSQL, Access, Dbase, XML, JavaScript, PhP, VHDL, AutoCAD, Scilab, Prolog…
- Others: Mathematica, Scilab, Flash, Adobe suite, Open Office
- Location: Dschang, Cameroon, Central Africa
- Website: https://www.univ-dschang.org/fac-sciences/