University Of Mpumalanga
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
The purpose of this qualification (Advanced Diploma ICT in Applications Development) is to provide learners with a career-focused professional qualification featuring advanced industry referenced computing knowledge, technological competencies and soft skills. Students will be knowledgeable and competent in the discourse and practice of the ICT discipline. Students will also have advanced specialist knowledge of computer applications development. This will involve effective application development skills in the creation of software applications that are critical for organisational competitiveness in the fourth industrial revolution.
Upon completion of this qualification, graduates will have an ability to:- Develop ICT solutions that are aligned to the business strategies.
- Analyse a problem and identify and define the technology requirements appropriate to its solution.
- Develop applied and cognitive competences in the acquisition, interpretation and application of ICT principles.
- Apply knowledge of technology appropriate to the discipline. - Design, implement and evaluate an applications development system, process, component and program to meet desired needs.
- Function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal.
- Understand professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities.
- Communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
- Analyse the local and global impact of ICT on individuals, organizations, and society.
- Use and apply current technical concepts and practices in the creation of information technology solutions.
- Understand best practices and standards and their application in applications development.