University of Zambeze - school image

University Of Zambeze

Faculty of Sciences and Technologies

The Computer Engineering course at Unizambeze covers a wide range of subjects, making the graduate of this course a very versatile professional and enabling him to work in diversified and, sometimes, even complementary sectors. Thus, this course does not include options or specializations, seeking to cover most fields of activity for IT engineers in Mozambique.

The main objective of the Computer Engineering course at UniZambeze is to train computer engineers with a solid scientific basis, with general and specific knowledge, covering most of the traditional fields of Computer Engineering and with preparation for constant progress and adaptation to the unpredictable evolution of science, technology, technique and the socio-economic, cultural and environmental environment.

At the University, teaching, research, extension activities and associated laboratories are recognized as particular agents of change of the processes of preservation, transformation, acquisition and dissemination of knowledge. Furthermore, the need to reinforce the University's exposure to increasingly competitive environments has been constantly highlighted, in order to make UniZambeze's IT engineers and graduates professionals of reference at national, regional and international levels.